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Hospital Charge Data

Required data on hospital charges

CMS-Required Hospital Charge Data

As required by the federal government (Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services), we publish information (a comprehensive machine-readable file) about the rates negotiated with insurance companies for all services and items offered by our hospital. This file is listed below and available for download. Please note: Because of the size of the file, you may need special computer software/speed to open the file.

The price information contained in this large file is NOT an estimate of the costs that you are responsible for paying.  This file is not intended for patients and does not reflect your out of-pocket costs. If you are a patient, you can request a cost estimate by contacting Patient Billing Solutions or using our online tool to view a cost estimate of common health care services (“shoppable items”). Visit our Cost Estimates page for more information.

Hospital charge data

This file is updated once a year, but prices and contracted rates are updated during the year and these updates may not be reflected in this file.


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