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Freedom From Smoking

Staying Well

Let Us Help You Quit Smoking

Quitting smoking isn’t easy – but it’s easier with the right help. The American Lung Association’s Freedom from Smoking® program gives you options, resources and support to quit for good!

This program is sponsored by facilitators from The Patient & Family Learning Center, the Respiratory Department, and the Cancer Center.  A new session starts every 8 weeks.

Please call 603-609-6027 or email us at for more information.

Why Quit?

Cigarettes contain many hazardous substances that damage the lung when inhaled, including tar nicotine, carbon monoxide, and cyanide. Long-term exposure to secondhand tobacco smoke and/or repeated respiratory infections also can increase a person's risk for chronic obstructive pulmonary disorder.

General Smoking Facts

What's in a Cigarette?

Which quit-smoking method is best for you?

Regional and National Resources

New Hampshire Tobacco Help Line

Breathe New Hampshire

Contact Us

Patient & Family Learning Center   (603) 609-6027.


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